You asked and now I’m answering! One of the most common questions/fears I get from my clients is WHAT DO I WEAR? Over the next week I’m going to be giving you some advice on how to find your body type and how to dress each body type in the most flattering way.
Before we get going, we need to figure out which body type are you? See the diagram below to find out which shape you are closest to.
To read this diagram, start at the top with the basic question:
Is your waist significantly smaller than your shoulders and hips?
If yes,
Are your shoulders and hips the same size?
If yes,
Your body most resembles an hourglass shape.
If you answered yes to a smaller waist, but no your hips are wider than your shoulders,
Then your body most resembles a pear shape.
If your waist is not significantly smaller than your hips and shoulders, but your shoulders are wider than your hips,
Then your body most resembles an apple shape.
If your waist is not significantly smaller than your shoulders and hips, and your shoulders and hips are about the same size,
Then your body most resembles a rectangle shape.